Obviously that's not how you spell Tomato but I was referring to the song with that particular line. Growing up with a mother who calls a washing machine a warshing machine I don't usually think i'm prounouncing things wrong but i got put in my place the other day by another teacher. I asked her children to bring their crayons (me pronouncing them crowns) to music class and she laughed and told me it was Crayolas. I never thought I was saying the world incorrectly and to be honest with you I like my version much better but have been pronouncing them crayons ever since which just sounds silly to me! I wonder what else I say that's weird.....makes you really listen to yourself speak. I knew I'd really like Matt when he pronounced always, aways like I do......funny quirk.
In other news, I went to the gym yesterday and ran my booty patooty off! It felt incredible and I can't wait to do it again. I'm honestly going to look in to seeing how much the personal trainers are just to lean down, no bulking up here. But I guess we will see. I walked a 17 minute mile which is slow I know but it was on a 5.0 incline! lets just say no one wanted to be on the treadmill next to me because of my sweat puddles but I don't care! It feels good knowing you're doing something about a situtation you've put yourself in. As much criticism I've taken from family about my current weight I can now proudly say, I'm working on it ;) Just knowing my heart is thanking me for it is enough for me! I even wore pants to work today and am feeling good. Can't wait to see those numbers drop! I thought yesterday, this is my body, why wouldn't i want to take care of it? It's amazing to me how you can just go on auto pilot and not think about certain consequences!
Tomorrow is Friday and I couldn't be more excited about it! Two weeks of freedom from children will be glorious, and Campbell doesn't count because I could be with him all day every day and be ok with it! We went walking on monday which was incredibly difficult with Taylor pulling and sophie being dragged and pushing campers, I now understand why my sister is so incredibly tiny because it's a great work out! My shins hurt the next day! But it was funny because I decided to jog a little just to see if I could and Campbell laughed and giggled and kept saying GO!! It was fun!
Have a great Thursday!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
You can do it!
My weight loss has started off to a rocky start I'll be the first admit, I don't need anyone pointing that out to me. But it's starting slowing and surely I promise I'm doing what I need to do. I have 2 friends who call, text, or email me everyday asking me how I'm doing. While my family is wonderful I needed to call in re-enforcemetns.
So I called 2 of my best friends last week and we talked over a plan of action or POA for those who only like to read abbreviated words ;) They too have struggled with weight in their adult years and were all ready but have tried and failed many times so were hoping this time it will be it! I'm not looking to be a size 2 I'm just ready to fit in to regular clothes again and to feel good about myself. I know this will all come once the pounds shed away but anyone who's been where I am right now know how difficult it is to start, but sometimes you've just got to jump.
I know I've said all these things before, but somethings clicked. Whether it be now being the girl who hates having her picture taken or the girl who refuses to look in the mirror, something has happened and I know I have to do this.
So here's to early New Years resolutions and not waiting until TOMORROW to start. Here's to my future jeans that will be sizes smaller and here's to that Girl who loves to look at herself in the mirror. Cheers!
So I called 2 of my best friends last week and we talked over a plan of action or POA for those who only like to read abbreviated words ;) They too have struggled with weight in their adult years and were all ready but have tried and failed many times so were hoping this time it will be it! I'm not looking to be a size 2 I'm just ready to fit in to regular clothes again and to feel good about myself. I know this will all come once the pounds shed away but anyone who's been where I am right now know how difficult it is to start, but sometimes you've just got to jump.
I know I've said all these things before, but somethings clicked. Whether it be now being the girl who hates having her picture taken or the girl who refuses to look in the mirror, something has happened and I know I have to do this.
So here's to early New Years resolutions and not waiting until TOMORROW to start. Here's to my future jeans that will be sizes smaller and here's to that Girl who loves to look at herself in the mirror. Cheers!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I have realized over this past year how much I love being domestic. I'm hosting a Christmas party for some of my closest friends and I can't wait! I'm already picturing how I want things set up and what not all else. I think next year for Christmas I'm going to ask for these reindeer plates from Pottery Barn because they have been a favorite of mine for the past few years, just never really thought I'd use them. It will be interesting to sit 7 people behind my kitchen table but I think it will work!

Friday, December 4, 2009
Random updates
So this week has been literally a whirlwind of activity. I think I've only seen my apt when I was falling in to bed and hearing my alarm go off in the mornings. We had our choir concert last night and the kids did a very nice job, they missed a couple of things we worked really hard on but that's ok! All in all for my first concert I thought it went pretty well. We can only learn from our mistakes right?
In other news Matt and I have become Scrabble nerds. There is a new app on the iphone called words with Friends and it's literally a scrabble game you play with other iphone users and it's so much fun! So we went out and bought a scrabble board and we can't get enough of it!

Happy Friday!
In other news Matt and I have become Scrabble nerds. There is a new app on the iphone called words with Friends and it's literally a scrabble game you play with other iphone users and it's so much fun! So we went out and bought a scrabble board and we can't get enough of it!

As you might have guessed I did lose but only by 20 points!

I did put my tree up last Wednesday, and while Clay called it my Charlie Brown Christmas tree, I think it's cute.
And here Matt and I are in front of the Galleria's Christmas tree, where we did a little Christmas shopping :)
Happy Friday!
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