Monday, February 22, 2010

Love this boy

So last night I got to babysit my nephew Campbell and he is just so awesome!  Even though we only got to play for an hour we had lots of fun!

 I can tell Campbell loves bath time because everytime I say, "Ok camp time to get out." his response is always no.  And luckily for Emily's last post I had a diaper on hand that we just popped right on after he got out.  Below are some pictures of him being silly in the tub!

He was saying Cheese in this one.

He loved that hair piece for some reason!

After bath we read two books and he talked with me a little.  He's so funny because whatever you say he will say back.  He repeated as best he could I love you back to me which was oh so sweet. We always worked a little on Lindsey, I've been saying Li-Li for now and it always comes out with him saying meme so we'll continue working on Lindsey!  And when you say give me a kiss he smacks his lips together or he plants a big wet one of you!  And of course my favorite is right before bed we said our prayers and rocked a little before I put him in his bed.  Love this little boy and can't wait to meet baby sister in July!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's weekend

I'd say this weekend was a pretty successful one.  I loved having the snow and while it was pretty I wasn't too sad to see it melt away since it caused so much destruction to trees everywhere around Dallas.  The village looked like it had a tornado go through it with all the branches down.  But I did enjoy my snow day and am even happier that we won't have to make it up since it was already a student Holiday and our staff development, so yay!

Thursday was the kids Valentine's day parties and I got lots of hugs and a few goodies from my adoring fans.  As a specials teacher I always think I'm extra special if a child brings me a gift since they don't see me on such a regular basis.  Here are a few goodies below that I received, and that doesn't cound the endless hugs and I love you's I got as well :)

On Saturday I got to visit witth my mom and play with Campbell who was very entertaining!  I think he played the piano for a good 20 minutes while I was there.  Maybe he'll be the next Rachmaninoff!  Then later that evening, Matt came and picked me up for our date evening which he suprised me with flowers and dinner and a movie.  It was fun since we don't go see a lot of movies because they're kind of expensive.  We saw Valentine's day which was cute but a litte long :)

My Valentine this year :)

All in all it was a great weekend and now it's back to another busy week!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's snowing!

It's beautiful outside today so I have all my windows (6) blinds pulled up so I can watch the snow fall while I teach today.  I'm hoping that we will get to leave right after school today because I hear it's only supposed to get worse.  Tomorrow we have staff development and I'm wishfully hoping that it gets canceled and I can just sleep in.  I'm getting a cold and starting to lose my voice so I'd really love an extra day of rest. 

I had a kindergartner throw up in my classroom yesterday and no he did not make it to the trashcan.  Then all the other children started gagging and I felt like I was in the episode of the office where Pam has morning sickeness and throws up in a trashcan then everyone else starts throwing up everywhere!!  Sounds gross but one of the best opening scenes to that show!  So funny.  Needless to say the little boy finally walked down to the nurse and I distracted the children from the gross signt in the back by reading a Valentine's book :)  All in a days work!

Today is a busy day of teaching which is good because it makes the day go by quickly!  And I know all the children are having their Valentine's day parties today so it's going to be a crazy one as well! 

Matt and I aren't doing anything exciting for Valentine's day which is fine by me.  I've been wanting to see the movie Valentine's day ever since they started showing previews for it back in December so I think were going to go see that.

And in other good news I've officially lost an inch off my waist and other areas so that makes me happy.  It's been hard but I gotta keep going :) 

Happy Valentine's day weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rainy Days

The weather has been really dreary for the past week and it's supposed to be the same way this week.  So Saturday Matt and I went to Barnes and Noble and I got a couple of books that I'm excited to read. 

"The Charming Man" by Marian Keyes

"The Shoe addict" I can't remember the author.

You can tell they're real deep meaningful reads :)

Last night Matt and I attended a superbowl party with a couple of his friends.  It was fun and I was glad that it wasn't over real late!  Today starts a new week which I have a feeling will go by quickly.  My old roommate and her husband are coming to town this weeekend so matt and I are having dinner with them Friday so I'm super excited about that!  I haven't seen her since she got married last October. 

Have a great Monday!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Things I've noticed...

Middle button on my coat jacket is not near as tight when I button it.

I've had to put my watch on the next hole in order for it to fit correctly.

I'm starting to see my waist again :)

Just the little things can make you happy right?

And here's to (and praying for) a nice weekend of rest and relaxation! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's been a while since my last blog, so my apologies! 

I was super sick this weekend with a virus and it put me out of commission for a good two days.  Let's just say I will not be eating Chinese food again for a very long time. 

Nothing exciting to report really.  With the help of the bug I lost 5 pounds but I'm sure I'll gain it back.  Still haven't really felt the need to eat a lot of food which I'm ok with.  I've been watching my portions and today will be back at the gym to do a little cardio. 

Groundhog Phil saw his shadow so I guess that means six more weeks of winter!

Happy Groundhog day!