I haven't blogged lately but that's because there's not a whole lot going on. Last week for my spring break I got to spend every waking moment with family that was in town and it was a lot of fun! I enjoyed playing with my niece Paige who is almost 3 and loads of fun! This was the first time I'd been around her where she was ok with me picking her up and loving on her and playing games with her. My brother and I tried playing hide and seek with her but she kep popping out of her hiding place saying, "Come and get me!" Too cute. And even though Graham is only 2 months I enjoyed snuggling with him :) Campbell my other nephew of course was fun as always, I loved watching him and Paige play. I babysat him the other night and I said, Campbell where's Paige? And he looked at me and said Paige? And looked around and kind of shrugged, like he couldn't find her. TOO CUTE! I got a couple of cute shots of my lovely niece and nephews with my phone. They're a little blurry but still cute.

Here's Campbell at one of our many park visits
Sleeping Graham
A little blurry because she wouldn't stand still, but still cute!
We had so much fun while they were all here. It went by too fast!! Love all the precious angels I get to love on :)