Thursday, January 27, 2011

This one? How about this one?

Lots of wedding planning going on and I admit, I am starting to love it a little.  I think now that it's getting closer to all the fun stuff I'm enjoying the process much more.  This week's topic has been shoes!  Who knew there were so many shoes in the world.  I am NOT a shoe person, if you'll go back to like March of last year on my blog, I threw out my coach shoes I had for 4 years.  I don't like shopping for shoes because to have cute shoes you must have the cute clothes to go with them and lets just say my wardrobe is quite sad right now.  Since I'm still in the process of losing weight I don't buy new clothes unless I must and it's usually for a shower or party etc. 

Anyway, each night this week I have had a different dream incoporating whatever my last email topic was with my mom.  Let's just say there have been a lot of shoe dreams this week.  Last night I had a dream about Matt forgetting to book our flight for our honeymoon!  Ha.  So crazy.

I am excited about all the different decisions that need to be made right now, even though at times it's a little overwhelming I know it will get done.  My mom and sister have been very helpful and polite with certain decision makings which I'm truly grateful for.  I know once June is over my mom will be a little sad because I know she loves all this planning as well!

June 11th, I can't wait until you're here, but then again I can ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So this was week 2 of Matt and I's couch to 5k.  This week you run for 1.30 and walk a minute.  We have been running on treadmills since it's way too cold to run outside obviously!  But it's really fun to run next to Matt because we both have the same pained look on our faces when we run!  My endurance is good it's just my shins are KILLING me!  But I grin and bear it:)  Last night we ran and I ended up walking only a total of 5 minutes and ran for 15 which put me at a 1.17 mile which is super SLOW!  But hey I ran and felt really good about it.  Next week you do 2.00 run and 1.00 of walking.  I cheated a little and went ahead and ran 2 minutes at a time last night just to see if I could do it and I can.  I'm not trying to run as fast as possible I just want to say, yea I can run 3 miles no problem!  Slow and steady wins the race right?

In other news, I found out on Monday that a sweet friend of mine I had the pleasure of getting to know this summer at my SMU course was killed along with her husband in a head on collision Sunday evening.  They were on their way back home from church and a truck lost control and ran right in to them.  I'm very sad for this loss because she was such a wonderful person.  I tried to sit next to her every day of class because she was hilarious and always had a smile on her face.  She will most definitely be missed and I pray for her and his families as they are going through what I can't even imagine with losing two wonderful people, and they were both music teachers.  So very sad.  It's amazing how in two weeks of intimate classes you share so much with someone and now they're gone.  I've never really had a close friend die and we did stay in touch after our course so she's been on my mind all week.  Laci you will be so missed!

Even though my heart is heavy I love knowing she was a woman of God and she's dancing and singing with the angels :) 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Couch to 5k

Over the break one of our usher's asked Matt if he would like to race him in a the 5k dash on St. Patty's day down by my apt.  Matt and I have talked about picking up a healthy habit to do together and this gave us a perfect reason to start!  There is a website called it is a 9 week program teaching you how to build up your endurance to learn how to run a 5k.  Matt and I have finished week 1 which wasn't horrible.  I of course am a little slow but I did run when I was supposed to for as long as I was supposed to.  I heard about this program through my friend lyndsay who said I was helping motivate HER with my blog posts about my toning up which I thought was really neat.  She said she did it and lost 15 pounds doing it (even though she was already little )  So Matt and I are starting week 2 which is 1.30 mins of running alternating between 1 minute of walking, so we will see how we do!  I will try and track my progress each week, I just want to say I accomplished something I haven't EVER been able to do.  I've never run a 5k so I'm pushing myself to do this for me.  We will see!!!  The winner between Matt and Justin has to pay for a nice steak dinner so I'm hoping Matt wins!

Christmas and New Year's

I got quite a lot accomplished over my Christmas break which I feel really good about!  My family from California was here and I had so much fun getting to spend some time with my niece and nephew whom I don't get to see enough.  Here are just a few fun photos I took from our week together!

Christmas Morning

Ellis in her Christmas jammies

Camp's Cowboys get up

Matt and I

All the photos I took of Graham and Paige were blurry but it was so fun to watch them open their presents Christmas morning.  Paige kept wanting to pass out every present and would ask "is that for me?"  It was funy getting to play "Santa" another year now that Camp and Paige are more aware of who he is.  All in all it was a great Christmas Day!

That Monday after Christmas I took Emily, Hilary and my mom to look at bridal gowns and we ended up buying one and also getting their bridesmaids dresses too which they helped convince me to change my colors from purple to grey so grey it is!  We will still use purple in other things :)

New year's eve Matt and I went to a friends house where she and her boyfriend hosted a nice sit down dinner, it was a lot of fun!

Happy New year!  I'm so blessed with so much!