Friday, October 8, 2010


Things I've accomplished this week....

Lost this week in our biggest loser challenge, Check!
Learned how to put on a baby bjorn successfully without harming the baby, Check!
Made my first bundt cake and didn't have it crumble to pieces, Check!
Finished writing out my entire guest list putting them in particular catergories, all by hand, Check!
Ran further then my last run, Check!
Gone down an entire size in pants, CHECK!

We also had our first Fall softball game this week which we lost but that's ok we had a lot of fun playing!  Some of the other teams are really serious but our team were ok with just having fun.  I hit every single time and got on base but the last time up to bat!  Which unfortunatly I struck out and was the 3rd out making us not get anymore runs to win but OH WELL!

I also got to spend some quality time with campbell and Ellis on Tuesday which always makes me happy.  I asked Campbell if he loved me and he said "yep".  I then asked Ellis the same thing and she cried so I'll continue working on her!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Linds,

    This is great! Congrats! So proud of you!

  2. You have been very busy this week, Linds. And I love the new "wallpaper" on your blog. Don't give up on Ellis, she'll come around soon!
