Thursday, December 16, 2010

9 Days!

Being a school teacher I'm very aware of the Christmas season since we do a lot of fun Christmas (or I'm allowed to say Holiday) songs and acvities in my room right after Thasnkgiving which I love. But yesterday I was sitting outside and realized Christmas is only 9 days away!  It's exciting and sad all at the same time because I LOVE this time of year.  I've had my tree up (shamefully) since the week after Halloween.......

Anyway I have so much to look forward with my brother and sister in law coming to town with their kiddos next week and watching all the babies open their presents from Santa Christmas morning, I can't wait!

This year has been very rough discipline wise and most days I go home feeling very stressed out and poor Matt gets the butt end of that (sorry)  Anyway I teach in a rough area and for the most part the kids are wonderful, it's just always those 6 or 7 that really get under your skin.  But then there are the children that do this for you.....

It's called an Elfgram and the kids can buy one for 50 cents and send it out with a candy cane to their friends or teachers.

He wrote this on the back "Ms. Zacher (yup) I wanted to thank you for giving me a recorder.  I always want to play recorder my holl life"

Now this Christmas season I've been kind of a Grinch because I'm uber stressed out by many a number of things and am learning how to handle that stress by working out every day :)  But when I recieved this precious note from a 4th grade boy it made me realize why I'm a teacher.  Sometimes I forget when there are parents breathing down my neck telling me what a horrible person I am and programs that we only have so many weeks in advance to prepare for etc, that I forget to hug my kids and treat them with the patience many of them deserve.  So thank you sweet little 4th grade boy for bringing a smile to my face and warming my Grinch like heart.  I'm so glad you like to play the recorder even though it hurts my ears ;)

Merry Christmas!


  1. Children can put you in your place--literally. What a sweet reminder that God isn't finished with us yet.

  2. That is so so nice of him to send you one! Proud of all your hard work!
