Tuesday, July 12, 2011

San Francisco

I honestly think we picked the best place for a honeymoon.  When deciding where we wanted to go we both ruled out a beach.  It would be nice for a couple of days but we are both so ADD that we knew we needed to get out and do things.  We had so much fun in San Fran, and I cried the day we left. 

San Fran We miss you!  Can't wait to go back :)

One month

So yesterday marked our first month of marraige!  So hard to believe that this time last month we were on our way to beautiful San Francisco for an amazing honeymoon.  I remember when Matt and I got to the airport we got there way early just so we could relax and have lunch together.  While we were there I realized how I had left my phone charger in our room (of course it was something!) so Matt called the hotel and he said "my wife" and then looked at me and we both kind of giggled.  It was the first time he had said it and it made my heart soar!  It's so amazing to me that God had someone so wonderful for me.  I wake up each morning and thank him for the people he has put in my life.  I can't imagine meeting a more wonderful husband and I love calling him just that!

 I love you Matt!