Thursday, December 16, 2010

9 Days!

Being a school teacher I'm very aware of the Christmas season since we do a lot of fun Christmas (or I'm allowed to say Holiday) songs and acvities in my room right after Thasnkgiving which I love. But yesterday I was sitting outside and realized Christmas is only 9 days away!  It's exciting and sad all at the same time because I LOVE this time of year.  I've had my tree up (shamefully) since the week after Halloween.......

Anyway I have so much to look forward with my brother and sister in law coming to town with their kiddos next week and watching all the babies open their presents from Santa Christmas morning, I can't wait!

This year has been very rough discipline wise and most days I go home feeling very stressed out and poor Matt gets the butt end of that (sorry)  Anyway I teach in a rough area and for the most part the kids are wonderful, it's just always those 6 or 7 that really get under your skin.  But then there are the children that do this for you.....

It's called an Elfgram and the kids can buy one for 50 cents and send it out with a candy cane to their friends or teachers.

He wrote this on the back "Ms. Zacher (yup) I wanted to thank you for giving me a recorder.  I always want to play recorder my holl life"

Now this Christmas season I've been kind of a Grinch because I'm uber stressed out by many a number of things and am learning how to handle that stress by working out every day :)  But when I recieved this precious note from a 4th grade boy it made me realize why I'm a teacher.  Sometimes I forget when there are parents breathing down my neck telling me what a horrible person I am and programs that we only have so many weeks in advance to prepare for etc, that I forget to hug my kids and treat them with the patience many of them deserve.  So thank you sweet little 4th grade boy for bringing a smile to my face and warming my Grinch like heart.  I'm so glad you like to play the recorder even though it hurts my ears ;)

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010


The closer we get to the Christmas break the crazier things get around school for sure!  This week I had something after work each night.  Last night was the first night I even really got to see Matt, who so graciously offered to cook me dinner for once which was sweet.

Monday night I got to babysit Camp, Emily always thinks its an imposition but little does she know I secretly love it and get so excited when I get to see them even if it's only a few minutes right before they go to bed.  Ellis was already in bed by the time I got there but she was so nice to wake up while I was there so I could change a diaper and get some smiles out of her.  She's so stinkin cute which I mean duh look at Camp.  Love them both.  Campbell is so funny, I was giving him his bath and I took his picture and it was like as soon as I pulled out my phone he said "cheese."  Love it.

Tuesday night we had our last night of our Fall season for softball and it was cold!  We were scheduled to play one game but if we won we played a second game for first place, well we won our first game so we played again!  I hit every time but never got on a base they kept catching it.  Matt hit a huge hit that ran 3 people in and got him to 3rd I was so proud!  It's really neat to watch him in his element since he loves sports so much.  Needless to say we did lose the 2nd game putting us in 2nd place but that's stll ok!

Wed. evening mom and I went to my first floral appointment and it was so much fun I'm really excited about the flowers I think I'm going to use.  Made me feel very bridal to be picking out my bouquet and he kept going on and on over my dress which made me feel special even if he was lying still made me feel good :)  Were going to purchase it the week after Christmas and I can't wait!!!  Hopefully we will get bridesmaids picked out by then too and I can stop worrying about what they're going to wear. 

Yesterday we took our choir kids to Northpark to perform and shop.  I love walking around the mall with them they get so excited to go in stores.  My group was really good and didnt' do anything to make me nervous.  Even though our pianist didn't show up to play our music for us the kids did a great job and I was very happy with their performance.

Tonight we have our school Chrismas party which will be fun and tomorrow night we have another one to go to as well so it will be a busy weekend!

Today was our last weigh in for the biggest loser, I've lost 16 pounds and gained muscle which I can tell!  On tuesday when we were playing softball I was running faster then I ever had before and my legs weren't aching by the time I hit the base!  I feel so good about myself right now, I've finally done something for me and not becasue I was being constantly reminded of my weight gain.  I am going to keep it up but will not be blogging about it anymore :) 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Fun

  My blogs have come few and far in between becuause I don't have time!  But I do want to mention some things I'm thankful for :)

My sister
Now I know Emily and I may have our differences and that's what makes us originals.  But I know that she loves me very much and has always been supportive of my efforts.  She has never made a negative comment about my weight gain and just smiles and says good job when I succeed in any area.  To me that's what makes a great sister.  Plus this picture is hilarious with ellis strapped on to the front of her :)  Love you Em!

This is Matt and his nephew Cooper who is exactly a week younger then Ellis. I'm thankful for Matt and the joy he brings me.  I have loved getting to know him this past year and a half and can't wait for many more years of our journey together.

I'm thankful for all my beautiful nieces and nephews.  Both my brother and sister have made some very cute children that I love to love on! 

I'm thankful for my entire family and the support they've me shown over the years.  I'm also thankful that I get to wake up every morning to a job that provides me with food and shelter and that I actually enjoy it (on most days)  I have so much to be thankful for.  Thank you Lord for giving me so much to be thankful for!

Only 12 more school days until Christmas break, now that I am VERY VERY thankful for ;)