Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's july?

So my first month "off" I put in quotes because I hardly had a time to breathe it feels like during June.  When I started my music course at SMU I was in class for 9 hours then would go home and do homework for 2 sometimes more!  I can say that I learned a lot in my class and am really excited to get back in August to teach my kiddos some really cool things.

Now that my course is over I don't have a whole lot going on.  I've started back at the gym in the mornings which is really great to get done first thing so I can have the rest of my day to do pretty much nothing.  I haven't visited my pool but once this summer, but I havent' have much of an inkling to lay out really.  I'd rather spend my afternoons in the air conditioning reading a good book, which I'm on my 3rd of the summer!

Last weekend Matt and I spent with friends which was so much fun.  I really appreciate the close knit group of friends we've accumulated over the past year.  We've really enjoyed doing things with them.

Yesterday Matt and I had our first softball game with a Dallas league we joined with one of my teacher friends from school and her husband.  I asked to be put in outfield thinking I wouldn't have to really do much, but silly me forgetting were playing with men not boys and every ball hit I was running every which way to catch it.  Oh well I need the extra cardio!  Matt caught two fly balls and made it to home twice, I struck out both times but made a good effort:)

Next week Ellis Jane Kretz will be here, my second niece and I'll get to be an Aunt for the 4th time.  Babies everywhere I feel!  Matt's sister in law is also due next week and I'm praying those two kids don't share the same birthday!  I can't wait to meet Ellis as I know everyone else in my family is excited as well.

Much family time together in my future I can tell which is fine with me :)  I babysat my nephew Campbell yesterday while my sister went to the store at her Liege to get some things.  I took this picture with my camera and a new app I found which makes all your photos turn out pretty cool I think.  You can shake it and get it to change colors.  He looks so tall in this picture! 

I now have 5 weeks of summer left so I'm hoping it goes by SLOWLY!!

1 comment:

  1. That is cool! He had fun with you, and yes, I very much enjoyed going up and down the aisles for an hour with nobody yelling or throwing anything! Do you have any good (happy) books for me to read?
