Thursday, January 27, 2011

This one? How about this one?

Lots of wedding planning going on and I admit, I am starting to love it a little.  I think now that it's getting closer to all the fun stuff I'm enjoying the process much more.  This week's topic has been shoes!  Who knew there were so many shoes in the world.  I am NOT a shoe person, if you'll go back to like March of last year on my blog, I threw out my coach shoes I had for 4 years.  I don't like shopping for shoes because to have cute shoes you must have the cute clothes to go with them and lets just say my wardrobe is quite sad right now.  Since I'm still in the process of losing weight I don't buy new clothes unless I must and it's usually for a shower or party etc. 

Anyway, each night this week I have had a different dream incoporating whatever my last email topic was with my mom.  Let's just say there have been a lot of shoe dreams this week.  Last night I had a dream about Matt forgetting to book our flight for our honeymoon!  Ha.  So crazy.

I am excited about all the different decisions that need to be made right now, even though at times it's a little overwhelming I know it will get done.  My mom and sister have been very helpful and polite with certain decision makings which I'm truly grateful for.  I know once June is over my mom will be a little sad because I know she loves all this planning as well!

June 11th, I can't wait until you're here, but then again I can ;)

1 comment:

  1. Funny post! Yes, I love planning with you; after all, you are my last baby to flee the nest in the wedding department. However, your dad's and my wallets will thank you when its all said and done!!
