Friday, September 11, 2009


8 years ago today I was sitting in my Aquatic Science class (yes that's as far as my science went!!) Watching the towers on fire, then falling to the ground only moments later. I cried, surrounded by classmates of whom none I was friends with, Aquatic sci wasn't really where all the smart or cool kids were ;) I let tears roll down my face. I know that I'm a sensitive person, I hate watching Animal movies because more then likely an animal is going to get hurt or die and I can't deal with that. Anyway, watching the events unfold all day you couldn't hear a pin drop in that school. The only sound you heard was the tv's going in each room. It is a day I'll never forget.

I remember I came home that day and continued to watch it. That evening as I was laying in bed I kept thinking I was hearing airplanes flying over us even though planes were grounded, and I went and crawled in bed with Emily.

We each have our own story of where we were, and what we were doing when we heard the news. It's amazing how we each have such strong opinions about politics and what leaders aren't doing what etc, but when a tragedy like this happens, how quickly we are as Americans to come together and be there for each other, and that's something I'll never forget.

"God Bless the USA"


  1. I was just thinking about where I was during that time on my walk this morning. No cool kids in Aquatic science?? :)
